Yes Jesus Loves Me
Today was an amazing day with the children. It was my teams turn to do our jungle theme day. It went great. We did the visors that I had brought first and the kids loved them. It was so cute to see them all wearing a visor with their jungle animals on them. The older kids took markers and added more details to theirs. We then did a few more projects and put on some tattoos which they absolutely loved. After the projects we did some singing. Most of the children knew how to sing Jesus Love Me in English! I tell you it is the most amazing blessing to be sitting right in the middle of China, in a Chinese orphanage, with children singing praises to the Lord. They also know how to sing it in Chinese but I was so blessed to hear them sing it in English. It’s funny because back in the U.S. we sing the exact same song with children the exact same age. Yet here it seems to become so much more special. Not that singing praises to God in the U.S. is any less important but you can see God working here, in these children, in these nannies. I spent more time holding children today and praying over them in regards to their future. I held a little boy named Jacob-Jai who just melted my heart and I told him he was coming home with me. He has a club foot which means that one foot is turned in so he walks on the side of his foot. It’s painful to just watch him but he doesn’t let him slow him down. He climbs stairs, runs, and does everything else all the other children do. Apparently they don’t want to try to fix it until he is in line for adoption. I don’t really understand why. But hopefully he can get it fixed sooner than later. This afternoon we had a water fight complete with water balloons and water guns. What a joyful experience! We also gave the children watermelon as a snack. It was so funny because as soon as some of them got their piece, they got out of their chair and went into a squat position and stayed there the whole time they were eating their watermelon. It was so funny! It worked pretty well, no mess because it all went on the floor.Tonight we went shopping at Wal-Mart. Yes Wal-Mart exists here and believe it or not it is more hectic than ours! The whole bottom floor was food including a huge seafood section. I have never seen live turtles for sale that you can buy for your next meal. We spent a good amount of time in there as we are planning a surprise girl party for Stacy and her roomate Wendy. I can’t wait to see the smile on her face!I have really been reflecting on one of my greatest weaknesses while I have been here. Sometime it bothers me how quiet and timid I can be at times. God calls us to take care of each other, to help the hurting. How can you know if someone is hurting if you cannot ask them? I find it hard sometimes to ask someone I don’t know very well how they are doing. I hate that because what if they are hurting? What if they need to talk to someone? What if they need Jesus? I often ask God to make me more outgoing so I can help those that are having a hard time. God has shown me something here. A quote by St. Francis of Assisi has been brought up a couple of times while I have been on this trip. It says “preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” Maybe it’s not my time just yet to go out and ask people how they are doing. Maybe that will come later as I grow more in Christ. But for right now my mission is to preach the gospel with my heart and my hands. That is exactly what I have been doing here. Holding, hugging, kissing, and praying over these children. Praise God for giving us each a different gift! And anyway I’m married to Chad; he is very good at talking! Good thing he can fill in where I fall short sometimes.Tomorrow we are going to church. Yup you heard right and it is completely legal as long as I have my passport. Ill explain more tomorrow!Continue to pray for us as we continue to work with and love on these children. We are all having a fantastic time and I cannot wait to come home and share more with you!Vanessa
Some of us girls on the team
All smiles!
The watermelon squat. I wish I could do that!
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