The plane ride was better than expected. I had only slept three hours the night before leaving hoping I would sleep through a good part of the flight. I figured it would be no problem with the help of a few Advil PM’s. Well wouldn’t you know, I took two Advil’s and I only got a solid 2 hours of sleep! It went fast. I had a few movies on my Ipod touch, read, and just relaxed. Right before we landed they came onto the loud speaker and this is what they said. “Ladies and Gentlemen, due to the H1N1 virus we are asking that you do not get out of your seats once we have arrived at the gate. Immigration will be getting on the plane and will be pointing a laser type gun at your forehead to take your temperature. It is advised that you keep your eyes closed while they point it at your head”. LOL not exactly what you want to hear. They came on, well equip with masks, and took our temperature. Praise the Lord no one had a fever. Also in lieu of my recent Sinus Infection, I had been worried about how my head was going to feel while the plane went down. Well by something I can only describe as the power of God, I had NO PAIN COMING DOWN! PRAISE THE LORD! I was so surprised since my head had been hurting on the plane. I did get taken in after I got off the plane because I had to check that within the last seven days I had a headache and congestion. Basically they took my temperature again, asked me a few questions, and sent me on my way. I was so excited to finally be in China! After all these months of planning and preparing, I was here. We met up with the rest of the team and everyone has hit it off right away. It was if we already had met and knew each other. I am in a bunk room with 7 other girls, most of whom are my age. It’s amazing to see how their passions and desires for this trip are exactly like mine! They are great girls and we have already shared some great times. We had an amazing Chinese dinner (seriously the best Chinese food I have ever had) and then headed to the orphanage. By this time it was 8:00 on Wednesday night. I felt like I had been awake for two days straight, which basically I had, and I was ready to get settled in and go to bed. Settling in took a little longer than expected but I finally got to bed. Today we got the tour of the facility and got to play with a few of the children. The children are amazing and have the brightest most beautiful smiles. I have already been moved, and I cannot wait to see what is going to happen in the next few days. Currently I am having a hard time getting onto my blog so hopefully I will be able to get into it soon. Otherwise you might be reading this after I return! Thank you for all of your prayers that you have been sending my way. God is working already!
I can't wait to update you with more details!
The view from my room
Look at that beautiful face!
Just the beginning
Just the pictures bring tears to my eyes!!! This experience will change you forever. Have a great time.